News - 2020

Stay Safe on Bennachie in Winter With wintery weather forecast over the New Year period the Bailies of Bennachie are promoting advice for walkers to stay safe on the Bennachie hill range. The iconic Aberdeenshire hill isn’t the highest but is a very popular day out for people of all ages and can present hazards during winter. Mario Di Maio of the Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team has written the advice which can be found on the winter section of the Bailies fun and learning website:
Join Jock for Winter Looking for inspiration to take the children outside during the short days of the Christmas holidays? Or fun activities to do on rainy days? Look no further than Jock O Bennachie’s winter online resources which have just been launched on The latest online resources from conservation charity the Bailies of Bennachie are packed full of ideas and information about what happens to the natural world during winter. Pulling together original work and the best material available on the web it is a one stop shop for hours of fun and learning.
Christmas Quiz Challenges Trustees What is the connection between Bennachie and the Dalai Lama? Who sang the song ‘The Back O Bennachie’? Which animals brought Jock O Bennachie the buttons for his winter coat and what were they? What was the name of Patrice’s hairdressing salon at Bennachie? These were just some of the questions that had the trustees of the conservation charity scratching their heads during their festive quiz on zoom on Monday 14th December.

Wildlife Group - Swans and Geese The bird section of the wildlife group is continuing its theme of winter visitors, with a guide to some of our common wildfowl visitors, the large ones - swans and geese. The wildlife group even had a goose watch lined up for this month at Loch of Skene, but sadly it was not to be this year. The guide is packed with information about the swans and geese who visit this area at this time of year.

Jock 'o Bennachie Launches Autumn and Winter Resources! Following on from the success of the summer education programme from conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie new resources are being added for autumn and winter.

A Puckle O’ Days On Bennachie Video Released A new half hour long film on Bennachie has been released online. ‘A Puckle of Days on Bennachie’ celebrates the iconic Aberdeenshire hill and shows how individuals and groups interact with and respond to Bennachie.

Wildlife Group - Winter Visitors, Thrushes The wildlife group had outdoor meet-ups for evening owls and a goose watch planned for this part of the year but since it is still inadvisable to meet up in any sizeable groups they have had to cancel. Hopefully only postponed into next year. However, we can still get out into the countryside on our own and keeping eyes and ears open, and cameras ready, look out for some of our winter birds, including some important winter visitors. The group's bird expert, John Michael Wills, has prepared this guide to the sights and sounds of the thrushes around over winter.

A Puckle O’ Days On Bennachie Trailer A trailer has been released for a new half hour long film on Bennachie. ‘A Puckle of Days on Bennachie’ celebrates the iconic Aberdeenshire hill and shows how individuals and groups interact with and respond to Bennachie. The film will be released on Friday 13th and the trailer gives a taster of what is to come.

Bailies of Bennachie Release Policy Statement on Mountain Biking on the Hill The Bailies have released a new high-level policy statement in relation to mountain biking on the hill. This is an important topic and the Bailies look forward to working in the direction described in the statement over the coming months and beyond.

Five Year Old Ethan Wins Jock o' Bennachie Competition Five year old Ethan Podmore-Mills was inspired by the Bailies of Bennachie’s new online learning resources to go out and discover nature on the hill. He was very excited to hear that his photographs of amphibians and caterpillars at the pond on Bennachie had won the Jock o' Bennachie summer competition

Printed Cards with Views of Bennachie Something new in our online shop. We are now selling greetings cards and envelopes with Assorted or Winter views of Bennachie

What Happened to the Bennachie Colonists? About a hundred and forty people made up the Bennachie Colony in the 19th Century. They built their crofts on the lower slopes of the hill range and carved out a life for themselves. This final presentation examines why the Colony came to an end and what happened to the people who left.

Births, Marriages and Deaths: The Family History of the Bennachie Colonists The remains of crofts on Bennachie were the first clues of the story of the Bennachie Colonists – but census details, parish records and old photographs paint a picture of the individuals who carved a life for themselves on the hill.

Find Out How Excavations Revealed Secrets On The Hillside How archaeologists unearthed the story of the Bennachie Colonists is the subject of this week’s presentation from the Bailies of Bennachie. The conservation charity is detailing the discovery of the history of the Colonists for Scottish Archaeology Month this September

"Aargh! ... Aeology ?” A First Time Volunteer On A Dig Ever wondered what it would be like to find hidden treasures and evidence of past lives buried in the earth around us. Allan Will did and for Scottish Archeology Month he shares his experiences of a first time trying his hand at archeology.

Story of the Bennachie Colonists Told for Scottish Archaeology Month For Scottish Archaeology Month this September the Bailies of Bennachie are showcasing how the story of the Bennachie Colonists was unearthed through excavations, family research and living history.

Bailies Trustee Lays Crosses for Air Crash Victims Ahead of the anniversary of the1939 fatal air crash on Bennachie a Bailies trustee has visited the graves of the two airmen who died when the plane hit the hill in poor weather.

Jock o' Bennachie Lifts the Lid on the World of Minibeasts The fascination of the world of bugs, insects and spiders is the latest online adventure that Bennachie’s mythical giant, Jock o' Bennachie is showing North East children.

Bailies of Bennachie to Survey Membership Hundreds of members of the Bailies of Bennachie are to be asked their thoughts about the charity and the direction it should take.

2021 Bailies Calendar for Sale The 2021 Bailies of Bennachie Calendar is now available online and in shops. High quality photographs show the hill throughout the year with stunning views in every season.

Outdoors With The Bailies The Bailies of Bennachie have developed a free educational resource "Outdoors With The Bailies" for primary school-age children.

Coming Soon! Jock o' Bennachie's Summer Activities The Bailies of Bennachie are developing free educational resources for primary school-age children - "Outdoors With The Bailies".

Online AGM Shows Bailies in Good Shape 400 people giving Mither Tap a bosie, a new book on the history, geology and wildlife of Bennachie and an anniversary memorial walk were some of the events highlighted at the AGM of the conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie. The chair, Jackie Cumberbirch also praised the 400 volunteer hours from the work parties on the hill and the establishment of a new group of hill wardens.

This Is What We Do - Summer Noticeboard The latest Bailies of Bennachie noticeboard display is a montage of photographs which show "what we do". Normally it would be on the noticeboard in the Bennachie Visitor's Centre but as it is shut due to the COVID-19 pandemic the display is online.
A Breath O' Bennachie: Flora and Fauna on Bennachie During the Covid-19 lock down many people have been finding inspiration in the natural world and discovering a new appreciation for nature. The latest video from conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie, explores the rich plant, insect, bird and animal life on the hillside.

AGM Moved Online The conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie, have decided to move their AGM online because of the circumstance around the COVID-19 pandemic. The AGM was originally going to take place in March but was postponed as the COVID restrictions were put in place. The online AGM will take place on Monday 29 June 2020.
A Breath O' Bennachie: Views On The Hill Landmarks such as the Fog House, paths on the summit, views from the hill, and all weathers from sun to fog and snow feature in 'Views on the hill'. It is the latest video in the 'A Breath o' Bennachie' series which brings the hillside to people's living rooms during the Covid 19 restrictions.

A Breath O'Bennachie: Your Bennachie The latest video in the ‘Breath O’ Bennachie’ series: “Your Bennachie” illustrates the various ways people enjoy the hill. From special occasions such as birthdays and weddings to fundraising events, to picnics, dog walks and runs, the video captures the way people enjoy Bennachie.

A Breath 'O Bennachie: Seasons The Bailies have released the latest video in the ‘Breath O’ Bennachie’ series: ‘Seasons’ shows how the hillside changes throughout the year. From the arrival of spring flowers to harvest during late summer to the larches in autumn to snowy scenes the video captures the ever changing seasons on Bennachie.

A Breath 'O Bennachie: Past Times Scenes from the last hundred years make up the latest ‘Breath ‘O Bennachie’ video from the Bailies of Bennachie: Bennachie Folk though the 20th Century – images from the Bailies Achieves.

Wildlife Challenges In Lockdown During the Covid-19 crisis the Bailies of Bennachie Wildlife group is not meeting up but the section leaders have set members challenges for them to be able to spot signs of local wildlife when they are out on their daily exercise.
A Breath 'O Bennachie: Bennachie Views The latest video in the 'Breath O' Bennachie' series looks at views of the hill range from the surrounding countryside.

Listen to a Virtual Dawn Chorus Walk On Sunday 26th April members of the Bailies of Bennachie Wildlife group planned to get up early to hear the dawn chorus and identify birds greeting the day. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the walk is not taking place but the leader of the Bird section, John Wills has put together a virtual walk with a guide to the bird song that is around us in springtime.

A Breath 'O Bennachie: Archaeology The latest video in the 'Breath of Bennachie' series looks at the history of the hill through the archaeology that has taken place over the last decade. It covers the re-discovery of the well on Mither Tap, the unearthing of the Bede House and last year's dig on the Pittodrie Estate.
A Walk Up Mither Tap The conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie, has released a short video, ‘A walk to Mither Tap’, giving people the opportunity to have a virtual climb up the much loved landmark from their living rooms.

Voting Opens for Bailies Photograph Competition Voting has opened in the competition to choose the best photos of Bennachie to feature in the Bailies 2021 calendar. The competition has been moved online because of the COVID-19 crisis.
A Breath 'O Bennachie During the Covid-19 crisis the Bailies of Bennachie, are aiming to bring a breath o’ Bennachie into people’s living rooms with a series of short slideshows showing aspects of the hill.

Calendar Photo Competition Goes Online The Bailies have moved the photo competition for their fundraising calendar online. There is still time for people to enter their best photo of the hill to, the closing date is the 6th April.
FLS Closing Carparks on Bennachie We have just been informed that FLS will be closing their carparks on Bennachie and erecting barriers at the entrance

AGM 2020 and Talk Postponed Due to the government advice on the coronavirus outbreak the talk by Professor Gordon Noble due to take place on Thursday evening has been postponed. It is hoped to reschedule in a few months.

Wildlife Group Tracking Day On Sunday 8th March the wildlife group's mammals section had a well attended full day of tracking training. It was led by Lizzie Bacon and Willow Lohr who showed the group how to recognise animal remains, tracks and even different types of poo.

Bailies March 2020 Work Party Update On Saturday 7th March 2020 the Bailies Work Party volunteers were planting Oak trees near to Donview Car Park.

New Volunteer Hill Wardens Start Work on Bennachie Twenty eight volunteers are to start work as hill wardens for the conservation charity the Bailies of Bennachie. Wardens report on blocked drains, water on paths, windblown trees, and overgrown vegetation.

Secrets of Pictish Hillfort on Bennachie Revealed at Inverurie Talk Professor Gordon Noble of the University of Aberdeen led the amazing dig into the pictish hill fort last June. He will be giving a talk about the findings later in the year as the guest speaker at the Bailies of Bennachie AGM. All welcome to attend.

Call for Entries for Photograph Competition for Bailies Calendar The Bailies of Bennachie are calling for people with fabulous photos taken on or of the hill range to enter them into a competition. The winning photographs will be featured in the popular Bailies of Bennachie calendar for 2021.
Appeal for Volunteers to be Hill Wardens The Bailies of Bennachie are looking for volunteers to become hill wardens. This will mean making a commitment to walk a section of the hillside once every six weeks and keeping an eye out for any damage or changes to the paths, dykes and other features.

Good Turnout for First Bailies of Bennachie Wildlife Group of 2020 About 50 people turned out on Saturday evening at Monymusk village hall for the first meeting of the Bailies of Bennachie Wildlife group. They heard a talk on wild geese and swans from Dr Ian Francis of the RSPB.
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