AGM 2020 and Talk Postponed
March 2020
The Bailies have cancelled two events due to take place in Inverurie in the next month because of the coronavirus situation. The talk by Professor Gordon Noble about excavation of the hill fort at the top of Mither Tap which was to take place on Thursday 19 March 2020 is now postponed.
The event was also to be the AGM of the Bailies and that will also take place later in the year. A later event set to take place on the 25 April 2020 ‘Bennachie@the Garioch Hertitage Centre: people, pictures and the past’ has also been postponed. The outreach officer of the Bailies, Fiona Cormack said:
“Given the latest government advice about social distancing postponing these events seemed the only safe option. We will liaise with speakers and venues as well as follow health developments to decide when they should be rescheduled. The Bailies have a number of other events planned for later in the year and will make decisions nearer the time if they should go ahead or not. The first one is a planned photo competition to choose the photographs for the 2021 fundraising calendar. If necessary we will move the competition online. The closing date is the 6th April 2020 so if people have a good photo in landscape format taken on or of the hill send it in to”
Other events and our regular work parties on the hill take place outside. We will consult health advice and make decisions in the coming weeks whether to carry on or not.
Please keep an eye on our web site and our Facebook page for updates.