
A Walk Up Mither Tap

April 2020

The video is the first of the conservation charity’s ‘A Breath o’ Bennachie’ project which aims to bring the space and freedom of the hill to people staying at home during the current COVID-19 crisis.

It is available on You Tube at and can be accessed from the Bailies web site and Facebook page.

Our outreach officer, Fiona Cormack explained:

“At the moment Bennachie car parks are closed and people are being told not to undertake unnecessary journeys. This video, showing familiar and much loved scenes from a walk to Mither Tap from the Bennachie Visitor’s Centre and up the Maiden Causeway, provides a virtual walk to the top of the craggy outcrop on this distinctive peak. We hope this will bring back many happy memories for people and inspire some to climb the hill after the present crisis is past."

The plan is to release regular slideshow videos while the lockdown continues. Other themes include “Seasons”, “Past Times”, “Bennachie Views”and ‘Archaeology’ .

If anyone has a photo which would fit one of these categories please e-mail it to saying which category it is for.

For more news please see our current News, News 2020 and Events sections.