Coming Soon! Jock o' Bennachie's Summer Activities
July 2020
The Bailies of Bennachie are developing a free educational resources for primary school-age children. Over the summer holiday fun, online activities based on nature will be released once a fortnight with the first activity on birds coming the week starting 13 July 2020. These activities will feature Bennachie’s famous mythical giant - Jock o' Bennachie - and will each include a small competition.
These activities use Bennachie as an inspiration. Whilst they will encourage families to visit the hill, they can be followed by going to their local park or woodland area. The themes are ‘birds’, ‘things that grow’, and ‘mini beasts and pollinators’. The first set of activities on birds will be available on the Bailies web site from the week starting 13 July 2020.
Commenting the Bailies outreach officer, Fiona Cormack, said:
"We feel these resources would be welcome at this time when there has been so much disruption and there is a limited amount of options for families over the summer. "
"Looking forward to the next school session we plan to deliver four curricular relevant online outdoor educational resources such as Biodiversity, Archaeology, Picts, and Geography/landscape. There would be one a term and we hope they will be able to be used in schools as well as at home."