News - 2016

Bailies December 2016 Workparty On Sat 3rd December the Bailies work party volunteers were busy transplanting some plants into the fenced areas in the car park, the plants were taken from areas around the Bennachie Centre, some of the group were making a new brash screen beside ...

Save Bennachie Meeting Please come along and support the 'Save Bennachie' alliance at their public meeting and AGM.

Update of Membership Fee's At the Bailies of Bennachie AGM in September, members voted to change the Membership Fees, there is now only one type of Membership, Life Membership, a one off payment of £10. We hope this will encourage more people to join and support the Bail...

Dog Poo! Last week some Bailies volunteers rebuilt the Stone Dyke along side the path leading to the pond, unfortunately they first had to remove 100+ DOG POO BAGS from behind the wall - not a very nice job, and if dog owners care for Bennachie they woul...

Green Butterfly Award Harry Leil (Bailies of Bennachie Work Party Co-coordinator) receives a Green Butterfly Award from Aberdeenshire Environmental Forum at their annual award ceremony. The Green Butterfly Award is in recogintion of the voluntary environmental work that t...

Bailies October Workparty The work party volunteers split into 2 groups, one went to Heather Brig, they carried out some waterbar clearing up beside the English Quarry, the other group walked from the Bennachie Centre up the Mither Tap path cleaning waterbars and crossdrains...

Bailies of Bennachie Calendar 2017 The Bailies of Bennachie Calendar 2017 is now available to buy, Click Here to download an order form. This year we are supporting Green Dog Walkers, for info visit

July Work Party 2016 The Bailies work party volunteers were busy on saturday, they built a brash extension to the wildlife viewing screen, this was put up so people walking along the path did not disturb the wild life feeding behind the Bennachie centre.

Drawing the Colony Houses "If you have been walking on Bennachie you may have seen a lot of activity around the Colony sites. This fieldwork is part of the Bennachie Landscapes Project/University of Aberdeen's continuing research into the 19th century Coloni...
Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team visit Bennachie! On Saturday 28 May from 10.30 - 2.00pm at the Bennachie Visitor Centre, near to Chapel of Garioch several members of Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team will be camped out at the Bennachie Centre car park.

Bennachie Landscape Project Banners All six of the banners are at Old Meldrum library along with Guides to Bennachie and other BLP books for sale, together with assorted Bennachie leaflets. The banners are due to be there until the 7th of June, so why not pop in and have a look.

Take Your Rubbish Home With the better weather and more people using the hill this is becoming a common problem. When you are out and about on the Hill, please don't leave your rubbish laying around, if you can carry bottles and tins up the hill full, i am sure you can...

Bennachie Calendar 2017 We will soon be choosing photos for the 2017 Bailies calendar, we thought that as a lot of people walk dogs on Bennachie we would have a theme this year of Dogs on Bennachie, so if you have a nice photo of your dog out walking on Bennachie why not...

Community Archaeologies in Practice: Global Perspectives 12th February 2016 On Friday the Bailies of Bennachie Landscapes Project had the unique opportunity of joining three other groups from across the world to discuss community archaeology. The event was organised and held at the University of Aberdee...

Save Bennachie Web Site Why is Bennachie in Danger? Transport Scotland is progressing the programme to upgrade the A96 between Aberdeen and Inverness to dual carriageway standard by 2030. A number of route options near Inverurie are being considered and some of these enc...

Bailies Priorities for 2016 - Suggestions Welcome The Bailies council aims to represent the broader membership and seeks to arrange activities and events to further our aims, as stated in our constitution. We'd welcome your thoughts on the issues you would like us to address on your behalf th...

Maintaining Contact with ALL Members - the global picture? Can I ask all current members to please keep us up to date with your contact details, especially an email address if you have one so that we can keep in touch. We are currently reviewing our membership records and are keen to ensure that we ke...

Bailies of Bennachie have all their tools stolen! On Monday 25 January 2016, Bailies of Bennachie members discovered that their metal shed near to The Bennachie Centre, Chapel of Garioch had been broken into. Tools worth approximately £700 had been stolen including spades, mattocks, bow sa...
Lack of Money to Maintain the Gordon Way Please read the article in the Press and Journal newspaper.

Aberdeenshire Special Landscape Area Consultation (SLA5) The Bailies of Bennachie will be submitting a reply to the Aberdeenshire Special Landscape Area consultation (SLA5) please read the attached documents and if there is anything you would like to comment on please contact us
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