Bailies Hold “Summer Clean Up" Day on Bennachie
June 2021
The Bailies of Bennachie are to hold an action day this coming Saturday, to raise awareness of the problems of rubbish being left on the hillside. They have liaised with Keep Scotland Beautiful and are holding the clean up day on Saturday 5 June 2021 (World Environment Day) during “Great British Spring Clean Month” taking place this year 28 May 2021 - 20 June 2021.
Two groups of organised litter pickers (a Bailies work party and a group of local Explorer Scouts) will set off from the Rowantree and Bennachie Visitor Centre Car Parks, clearing the main routes towards the summit Mither Tap, which has been recognised recently as being in need of a thorough litter clean itself.
The Bailies will have a stand at the Bennachie Centre car park, staffed by volunteers, who will speak to walkers, cyclists, families and others about their experience and the impact of litter on the hill, as well as anything else people wish to know about the Bailies. The Bailies are also planning to be at the Rowantree car park on Sunday 13th June.
These days are part of various anti litter initiatives being run by the Bailies of Bennachie. Bailies Trustee, Alex Doig explained:
“During lockdown we saw many more people heading to the Bennachie hill range and enjoying all that it has to offer. Unfortunately this meant that the popular routes on the hill were being littered more frequently. Dog poo bags make up roughly half of the problem, but plastics, glass and other discarded materials pose a danger to the habitat and wildlife who rely upon it, not to mention the unsightly mess and impression it leaves behind.”
“We’ve seen some fantastic litter picking efforts by children from Oyne Primary school and the Daviot and Oldmeldrum Explorers leading up to this event. This has helped remove a lot of rubbish from Millstone Hill and the Back O Bennachie up towards Oxen Craig, and has attracted a lot of support and has been greatly appreciated. A new section in our online fun and learning resources ‘Keep Bennachie litter free’ encourages young people to find out more about the problem and how to combat it.”
“In addition people on Bennachie will notice there are new rubbish bins available. We have worked with Aberdeenshire Council, Forestry and Land Scotland and the Bennachie Centre Trust to make this happen. The new bins are at the pond beyond the Bennachie visitor’s centre, in the Bennachie Visitor Centre Car Park and at the Rowantree car park. These are in place, ready for the busy Summer period and will be emptied by Bailies volunteers on a regular basis. We hope this will be a more convenient way for people to dispose of their waste and effective in combatting litter on the ground.”
“The Bailies know that most people who visit the hill are responsible and take their rubbish home. We hope this campaign and our ongoing initiatives will encourage the minority who are in the irresponsible habit of leaving waste behind to consider their behaviour and do the same.”