Summer Dig on Bennachie
June 2021
The Bailies of Bennachie will be conducting an exciting archaeological dig this summer on the north-eastern slope of this iconic hill. This forms part of the ongoing Bennachie Landscapes Project, carried out in conjunction with the University of Aberdeen and now in its tenth year.
The work will build upon two previous, very successful field seasons there: one at the Bede House and the other at a newly-discovered multi-period landscape. The latter was discovered by analysis of LiDAR imaging of the hill and by walkover reconnaissance surveys and will be the focus for this season’s campaign.
During 2018-19 the Bennachie Landscapes Fieldwork Group identified a wide range of archaeological features that date from late Neolithic to Early Modern times. Of particular note are the remains of a wooden structure that has been Carbon-14 dated to the 10th century, which sits atop an artificially-raised mound. This season’s excavations will focus on this mound and a neighbouring, equally mysterious, rectilinear enclosure.
The excavation is planned to run two days each mid-week from the 7 July 2021 to the 23 August 2021. Two Open Days are planned for 10 August 2021 and 19 August 2021 when visitors will be most welcome.
Volunteers wishing to try their hand at field archaeology are most welcome. Spaces are limited and booking is essential, please e-mail For general information on the work of the Bailies, please look at Bede House Excavations. Please note that youngsters under the age of sixteen must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The projects carried out by the Bennachie Landscapes Fieldwork Group are published by the Bailies in a series of books that include chapters on the historical research and archaeological excavation of the Bede House and the ongoing research at Druminnor Castle. These books can also be purchased from the Bailies’ web site shop.
The Bailies of Bennachie wish to express their sincere thanks to the Pittodrie House Hotel for their continued support and permission to work on their land.