Little Oxen Craig
This not a separate top, but a rocky eminence about 1KM (0.6 mile) north of Oxen Craig. As you climb Oxen Craig from the Back O’ Bennachie Car Park it is worthwhile to make the short diversion to the west to view the beautifully cut lintel stones left here as well as the quarry face(note the drill holes) from whence they came. A local builder, Fordyce by name, quarried the stone here in the 19th century. Imagine having to climb up to that height each morning to start work, have no shelter from the elements and be paid by results. A road from the quarry enabled the stone to be taken to Oyne but in August 1891, what has been described as a waterspout hit the hill in this area washing away the road and leaving a massive ravine. The dressed stones could not be removed and have remained here ever since.
Several juniper bushes have been planted in this area by the Bailies of Bennachie to commemorate a founder member, Mr Algy Watson MBE.
Map Reference: NJ 663 232 Height: 425 m Coordinates: (57.298146,-2.5608620)