Averon Knap or Moss Grieve
Averon Knap also known as Moss Grieve.
This is scarcely a top but rather an elevated mound some 0.5 km east of Oxen Craig. It is close to an area of deep peat and in the days of the peat cutters it would have been regarded as a sort of grieve (“gaffer”) looking down on them. The other name refers to the fact that averons (cloudberries) are present because of the deep peat and altitude. These are plants with strawberry-type leaves and flowers and fruits like large raspberries which are orange when ripe. They should not be eaten raw but do make a lovely jelly.
Map Reference: NJ 666 226 Height: 475 m Coordinates: (57.292778,-2.5558028)
Hill Tops Points of Interest