All About Spring With Jock
March 2021
The days are longer, snowdrops and daffodils are appearing, birds are singing and building nests, and baby animals are emerging into the world - Spring is here! Marking the change in season Bennachie’s friendly giant Jock o' Bennachie has a new set of fun and learning online resources to guide primary school children and their families through the changes that spring brings.
Like the popular Summer, Autumn and Winter programmes the spring resources contain a mixture of information and activities combined with Doric stories and even jokes. The new stories brilliantly told by Jackie Ross, are ‘Jock and the Dawn Chorus’ and ‘Jock, the Cuckoo and the Gowk Stane’.
The Bailies learning officer Margaret Garden said:
“These stories have been a very popular part of our resources and a grant from the Doric Board has allowed us to film them professionally on site and give them more prominence on the site.”
“Activities for Spring include creating a nest fit for a bird from natural materials, building a toad abode, making a bee watering hole, and for those rainy days there are lots of nature inspired arts and crafts, jigsaws, and colouring in.
“There has been a fantastic response to our online learning programme from children, parents and teachers. As we all know this has been a challenging time for everyone involved in education. These resources are being made available in primary schools through Aberdeenshire Council. We also hope parents will use them during the Easter Holidays too help their children explore and appreciate the natural world.”
“There are now over 200 resources available for children to explore on our web site. The resources are aimed at families of primary age children but can be enjoyed by any age.
Go to or select ‘fun’ on the Bailies main page to find them.