
Bailies of Bennachie AGM 2019

Bailies of Bennachie AGM 2019

21 March 2019

AGM followed by an entertaining talk entitled "Bennachie - a catalyst…" presented by Mark Stephen (who narrated the Bennachie Colony app).


AGM followed by an entertaining talk entitled “ Bennachie - a catalyst…” presented by Mark Stephen (Mark kindly narrated the Bennachie Colony app). Mark Stephen is Radio Scotland's most prolific features presenter. He presents the highly popular weekly outdoor magazine programme Out of Doors on Saturday mornings Mark’s talk will be about how by growing up in the shadow of Aberdeenshire’s most iconic hill sparked a lifelong interest in history, geography, geology, wildlife, culture and heritage around the world… this promises to be an entertaining talk! Refreshments available - All welcome.

For more events please see Events.