Save Bennachie
November 2017
The Bailies of Bennachie support Save Bennachie in their campaign against the A96 duelling near Bennachie
November 2017 Public Meeting and AGM
October 2017
Amazingly the Save Bennachie Campaign is about to enter its third year. Our constitution requires us to hold a public meeting/AGM at this time. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend on Thursday 23rd November at the Chapel of Garioch Village Hall at 7pm.
The format for the evening will be to very quickly run through the formal AGM. The rest of the session will include a short progress report on the campaign so far, and invite your feedback on our strategies and marketing materials including banners, car stickers, and flyers, and have open discussion around what we have all learned from attending the Meet the Team Sessions. We very much want to hear your ideas for the way forward. With your suggestions, we can plan the focus for the 2018 Campaign.