Bennachie History
May 2014
Bailies of Bennachie summer events include a series of walks and talks on the social history and archaeology of the mountain.
Last week landscape archaeologist Colin Shepherd led a fact-finding party up the hill.
Said Colin: “We will be covering about 4000years in just a few acres.”
The Bennachie Landscape Project was started by the Bailies in 2009 and a huge amount of research has already been carried out.
Researchers have been surveying hidden evidence of a working hill, tracks and peat banks as well as plants used for generation by those living on the hill even though now they are just looked on as nature.
“But it is very much an on-going project” said Colin. “Even in the years I have been researching here the more I find out the more I realise how much more there is.”
Last week’s walk included hut circles and the Ogam stone.
Said Colin:“ We are taking with us a 1780 sketch map to compare with what we find today.”
Also see History section of this web site.