Bailies AGM 25 September 2014
October 2014
Thursday 25 September 2014
SENIOR BAILIE Jackie Cumberbirch welcomed Bailies and friends to the Bailies of Bennachie AGM at King George V Memorial hall, Chapel of Garioch, Inverurie last week.
Her address gave a summary of just some of the things the Bailies have been up to over the past year. Activities included a spider walk on Bennachie, a lyrical walk with poet Petra Vergunst, archaeological digs with exciting finds such as a peat core which was impregnated with pollen reckoned to be around 4,500 years old which has been sent away for analysis and wild life and wild flower walks.
With the theme of walking on the wild side there were navigation courses and open air workshops on bushcraft.
A Bailies work party created a pond which had the unexpected bonus of digging up a horde of boots and ladies shoes, which must have been worn by the colony dwellers.
There was some unusual artwork going on in the summer.
Several Bailies were busy painting tree stumps, a project which has featured on the BBC’s Landward programme.
With the business of re-election of council members Jackie who was unanimously voted to continue as Senior Bailie introduced the guest speakers who continued the theme of what Bailies get up to.
Archaeologist Colin Miller gave an illustrated talk on finds during excavations, Sue Taylor spoke about her speciality, ceramics, Colin Shepherd described his recent work as an archaeological historian, Chris Foster studies the ecology of the ‘blue hill’ and Ken Ledingham is the Bailies archivist.
All are active members of the on-going Bennachie Landscapes Project.
Next event on the society’s agenda is a Bailies ceilidh featuring Danse Macabre which takes place on Saturday October 25 at King George V Memorial hall, Chapel of Garioch, eight till midnight. All Welcome