Your Bennachie Your Views
August 2013
Forestry Commission Scotland are producing a plan to guide the future development of recreation facilities and the visitor experience on the National Forest Estate at Bennachie and to help ensure that the visitor experience is enjoyable, appropriate and high quality.
The Bailies of Bennachie are one of the key partners in looking after Bennachie and FCS are very keen that as many Bailies as possible have the chance to give their views on how we best cater for visitors to the hill over the next few years.To help FCS collect your views on how the visitor experience on Bennachie should be developed, FCS would like to invite you to a consultation evening so that we can hear your thoughts on what we currently offer at Bennachie and what improvements we could make for local people and visitors. The information will be used to inform the study (the Bennachie Visitor Experience Plan) which will be completed by the end of the year.
The consultation evening is on Monday 2nd September at 18:30 at the Chapel of Garioch village hall.
FCS hope you will be able to join them If you are unable to attend the consultation evening, visitor survey forms will be available in the Bennachie Centre and at each of the car parks, which you can complete at your convenience.
The Bailies of Bennachie would like to see as many Bailies as possible at the meeting to give your views on the future of Recreation Facilities on Bennachie