
Work Parties start again in March

February 2013

If you like the Outdoors why not come along and help on our Work Parties, held on the 1st saturday of the month March - December, help us to look after Bennache, repairing paths, clearing ditches, pruning the willow, tree planting and lots more.

Saturday 2nd March 2013          

BAILIES WORK PARTY    Meet: Rowantree Carpark 10.00

We will be working for Scottish Natural Heritage in a Quarry which is a site of scientific interest ( SSSI) close to the Rowan tree car park. In this quarry is found Macaulayite a red, earthy, monoclinic mineral. It was discovered in the 1970s by Dr Jeff Wilson and named after the Macaulay Institute (now known as the James Hutton Institute) Aberdeen. This is the only known source of macaulayite in the world and is formed from granite which has been weathered by tropical climates prior to the last Ice Age. The substance is currently being studied by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) as it is believed that this gives the planet Mars its colour possibly proving that life on Mars can be sustained. At present the quarry is very overgrown, we will be cutting back the vegetation, please bring saws, spades and loppers if you have them. Please wear warm old clothes and bring a packed lunch. For more info contact Mike Neely 01467 629969

For more news please see our current News, News 2013 and Events sections.