Grant Applications Successful
February 2013
The Bailies of Bennachie are very pleased to announced that both Aberdeen University and Scottish Sculpture Workshop were both successful in two recent grant applications.
At present there is is an ongoing collaboration between various members of the University and the Bailies of Bennachie, which is known as the Bennachie Landscapes Project. The Bailies employ Colin Shepherd to lead the Bennachie Landscapes Project.
The University have been successful in receiving funding grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Council to develop this into activities and research. As part of this grant Aoife Gould will start in March as a Research Assistant based two days of the week at The Bennachie Centre and three days at the university. She will be liaising with the University , Bailies of Bennachie and Aberdeenshire Council Ranger Service to develop events and research.
The second grant was award by Creative Scotland as part of the Year of Natural Scotland. This project is called "Natural Bennachie" and will see three artists collaborating with partners and the local community to explore the natural heritage of the most prominent landmark in the North East of Scotland. The project will culminate in an eco-friendly public celebration, site-specific artworks and art-science collaborations (Delivered by Scottish Sculpture workshop in partnership with Forestry Commission Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council Ranger Service, The Bailies of Bennachie, University of Aberdeen and Gray’s School of Art, RGU) see for more details.
Both these projects have been developed and supported by the Bailies. As they develop we will keep you informed. If you require more information about either of these two projects please contact the Bailies directly.