
Bennachie Closures

September 2012

Tree felling work has started west of the Bennachie Centre. This affects some of the trails including the Gordon Way and Mither Tap path. Diversions are well-signposted. Please note that the Bennachie Centre, trails round it and car park will be closed on weekdays 1st to 12th of October, while we work in the immediate area.
Walks at Back O Bennachie and Donview are unaffected. Please obey all signs for your own safety and that of our staff while they are working.
Some areas will not be accessible but throughout most of the work, diversions will be in place so you can still enjoy walks around the forest.
If you would like to take part in a forest visit to see some of the machines at work and learn a bit more about forestry, you can join Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) staff on 23rd October or 24th October (school holidays) at 10am for a Working Forest tour. The tour will involve walking around the forest, so please ensure you wear suitable clothing and footwear. Suitable for all ages.
It is a free event but places are limited so call 01466 794161 or email moray& to book your place on either day.

For more news please see our current News, News 2012 and Events sections.