
Guided Walk 12th June 2012

July 2012

21 people attended the above walk to the Turf Table/Lintel Quarry, it was good to see people attending the walk for the first time which included 3 people for Virginia USA as well as the regular attendees. The weather was overcast but it remained dry throughout the evening which allowed excellent views from Little Oxen Craig. Alison briefed the group on Health & Safety along with the terrain of the walk, also taking the opportunity for people to join the Bailies by handing out membership forms along with promoting the next few events that are being held at The Bennachie Centre and at Back O Bennachie.

The history of the Turf Table was explained to everyone and Harry Leil also explained what work had been done at the Turf Table in recent years by the Bennachie Work Party.

Everyone reconvened on the main path before heading up to the Lintel Quarry, Alison and Harry spoke about the Juniper that has been planted in memory of Algy Watson, Alison explained who Algy was and how his years of dedication and enthusiasm had been so valuable to the Bailies of Bennachie. The history of the Lintel Quarry was explained to the group and Harry had pictures showing the type of tools that would have been used by the quarry workers to split the granite.

The group returned to the Back O Bennachie carpark around 9.10pm.

For more news please see our current News, News 2012 and Events sections.