
Day Out at Mar Lodge with NEMT

October 2011

NEMT (north east mountain trust) were offering a free day out at Mar Lodge so 4 of us decided to go along, what a nice day we had! it started with tea, coffee and biscuits on arrival, there was a Guess the Photo's competition which we spent a little while trying to do, then we were given a talk about the history of NEMT and it's current aims, then a talk by Peter from the NTS who look after Mar Lodge, it was very interesting to hear about what has been done over the last 15 years that they have owned it, and also to find out about the hard work that goes on to look after it today, we had all taken a packed lunch so we ate that and then went for a walk around Mar Lodge, with Peter pointing out things of interest especially the Golden Eagle that flew overhead as if it had been arranged for us!! then it was back to the Gillies Bar for coffee, tea and biscuits and the results of the photo comp!!! no we did not win but we got 10/21 so not too bad i think?

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