
A Breath 'O Bennachie: Seasons

May 2020

The conservation charity, the Bailies of Bennachie, has released the latest video in the ‘Breath O’ Bennachie’ series: ‘Seasons’ shows how the hillside changes throughout the year. From the arrival of spring flowers to harvest during late summer to the larches in autumn to snowy scenes the video captures the ever changing seasons on Bennachie.

The Breath O’ Bennachie project aims to bring the space and freedom of the hill to people staying at home during the current Covid-19 crisis. This is the 5th video in the series and like the others is available on the Bailies of Bennachie website or on YouTube at

The previous videos ‘A walk up Mither Tap’ and ‘If stones could speak: Archaeology on Bennachie’, ‘Views of Bennachie’ and ‘Past Times’ can all be viewed on the news section of the Bailies web site.

The Bailies of Bennachie outreach officer, Fiona Cormack commented:

“There has been a great reaction to this series of videos with hundreds of views and some lovely comments. Many people are letting us know how much they are missing Bennachie at the moment. We hope the ‘A Breath ‘O Bennachie’ videos will bring back happy memories and encourage people to enjoy being on the hill when they are able to again.”

For more news please see our current News, News 2020 and Events sections.

Seasons Video