
Bennachie Landscapes Update

October 2013

Everyone involved with the Bennachie Landscapes Project have been very busy during the summer, with various 'Digs' going on and workshops cleaning and cataloguing the finds, which have ranged from tiny pieces of glass to a rather impressive ceramic lamb, it is great to see lots of people from the local communities getting involved as no experience is necessary, just come along and someone will show you what to do, now the Archaeology side of the project is well underway the group is looking at Archives, Flora and Fauna, and Old Tracks on the Hill, if you are interested and would like to come along on any events.

Colin Shepherd has been carrying out a dig at Drumminor and Leaf Gould has been digging on Bennachie, if you would like to read their latest reports then just click on their names.

For more news please see our current News, News 2013 and Events sections.