2021 Bailies Calendar for Sale
July 2020
The 2021 Bailies of Bennachie Calendar is now available. High quality photographs show the hill throughout the year with stunning views in every season. This year’s photographs were chosen by the public in an online competition in April. People voted on the Bailies Facebook page and via their web site www.bailiesofbennachie.co.uk for their favourites.
The outreach officer of the Bailies, Fiona Cormack commented:
“We would like to thank everyone who submitted photographs to be considered for the 2021 fundraising calendar and the many people who went online to choose their favourites. The resulting photographs are a fabulous celebration of this much loved hill range.”
The calendar is for sale for £5.00 from local shops such as Stephens of Insch, Kellockbank, Strachans of Inverurie, Watsons of Inverurie, The Paper Shoppe, Oldmeldrum, Kemnay Pharmacy and some local Post Offices. It is also available online at https://www.bailiesofbennachie.co.uk/shop.
One calendar is £6.50 including post and packaging, two £12 three £17 and four £22.50.
The calendar is a fundraiser for the Bailies of Bennachie and all profits from sales will go to help their activities.