Update of Membership Fee's
November 2016
At the Bailies of Bennachie AGM in September, members voted to change the Membership Fees, there is now only one type of Membership, Life Membership, a one off payment of £10.
We hope this will encourage more people to join and support the Bailies of Bennachie, it will also make the membership database easier to update.
If you are an original £1 Life member, have paid a life membership, or have already updated your membership to Life, you do not need to do anything! If you would like to, you can still make an annual donation to help with the Bailies work on Bennachie, by completing the attached standing order form and sending it to your bank.
For each individual Annual member at your address who pay annually by cheque/cash, please send a cheque for £10 to become a life member.
For each individual Annual member at your address who pay annually by Standing Order, as you have already paid £5, please send a cheque for £5 (total payment of £10) to become a life member, don’t forget to cancel your Standing Order at your Bank (unless you wish to continue the Standing Order as an annual donation)
If there are Youth members at your address, they also need to pay £10 to become Life members.
If you joined under a Family membership, Adults at time of joining are already life members, any children joined need to pay £10 to become life members
If you have family or friends that would like to become life members, I have attached a membership form for them to complete.
Please send a cheque along with the Name and address of each individual member updating their membership, also please include your email address so I can send confirmation of payment.
If you have a query about your membership, please contact us and we will try to help!
c/o Garioch Heritage Centre
Loco Works Road
AB51 4FY
Membership Secretary
Bailies of Bennachie