
Maintaining Contact with ALL Members - the global picture?

January 2016

Can I ask all current members to please keep us up to date with your contact details, especially an email address if you have one so that we can keep in touch. We are currently reviewing our membership records and are keen to ensure that we keep in contact with our full membership, especially with Life Memberships who we don't necessarily hear from when annual subscriptions are due.

We are also looking to create two maps, one of the UK and one of the world showing where we have active members - we would love to have as many "pins" in the maps as we can reflecting our global membership and love for the hill. The location of International members in particular will be of great interest.

Please send your contact details (name, address, email) to the address below, we promise not to send out regular spam or requests for financial support, we just want to ensure that we have an accurate picture of our active membership.

Subject -  Update Membership Details

For more news please see our current News, News 2016 and Events sections.