
New Bailies of Bennachie Chair Announced

March 2022

The new chair of the Bailies of Bennachie, Peter Stock, says he is taking over the charity at an exciting time.

“The Bailies will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2023 and we are hoping to mark the occasion throughout the year. We are looking ahead now to Bennachie opening after challenges posed by recent storms and the COVID pandemic. These events have underlined how much people of the North East value the hill range. The Bailies have an invaluable role as advocates for and custodians of Bennachie and I am keen to work with landowners and others to to give the hill a voice and thereby protect its interests for the future.”

The vice chair, Ann Bailie commented:

“We are delighted to have Peter as our new chair. He has the experience, drive and ambition to take the Bailies forward into our 50th year. It a great time to build on our work maintaining the footpaths, and protecting the wildlife, history and culture of Bennachie.”

Peter was selected as Senior Bailie, or chair by the Trusees who represent members of the Bailies. He succeeds Jackie Cumberbirch who has steped down after 12 years in the role. It costs £10 to become a lifetime member of the Bailies.

Peter has lived in Kemnay since 1985 and has the joy of seeing Milstone Hill from his driveway every day. A retired chartered civil engineer he is an active hill walker, a volunteer guide at Castle Fraser and plays classical guitar. He has been a Bailies Trustee since 2020.

For more news please see our current News, News 2022 and Events sections.

Peter Millstone Chair R1
Peter Millstone Chair R1