
Appeal For A Work Party Trustee

September 2022

The work parties are a key part of the Bailies work. Going on the hill monthly a group of volunteers do various tasks – improving drainage, planting trees, cutting back vegetation – generally improving the hill for everyone to enjoy.

The trustee role involves working with the Team Leader and landowoners to plan and oversee where the work parties go and what they do. This will include maintaining the container and tools, preparing scopes of work and preparing/reviewing and approving Risk Assessments and Emergency Support plans.

The trustees of the Bailies are a friendly group of people who all love Bennachie. We would glad to hear from anyone who feels they have the drive, imagination and time take on this voluntary role. If it could be you please contact our Chair, Peter Stock, for more information at

The work parties can also work alongside the Garioch ranger and other organisations as happened on Tuesday 13 September 2022.

For more news please see our current News, News 2022 and Events sections.

2202 09 Workparty Aside R1
2202 09 Workparty Aside R1