
Wildlife Group Dawn Chorus Walk

April 2024

Sometimes it's not the destination but the journey that matters.   The Bailies of Bennachie organised Dawn Chorus Walk met at 5.30am on a still, dry morning at Donview carpark with mist above the river.  The very experienced John Wills took the 12 strong group on a short circular walk listening to the birdsong, identifying the main voices for us, giving information on the birds and habitat. Sometimes visible but not always,  birds such as the song thrush and chiffchaff were on full volume, occasional robins, wrens, and warblers were heard.  At one point on the walk, with a running stream and the chorus in full song, it was just enchanting,  mindfulness and wellbeing as well as beautiful nature.  What a great start to the day, thoroughly recommend the Wildlife Group and their activities.  And with the drumming of the woodpecker just as we got back to the cars, time to head for breakfast!
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