
Bennachie Questionaire

August 2014

My name is Karin and I am an archaeology Honours student at the University of Aberdeen. I am undertaking research dealing with the archaeology and heritage of the Bennachie landscape. As a component of this research I am issuing questionnaires to different groups of people concerning their exposure to and knowledge of the archaeology within the confines of Bennachie, including members of the Bailies. I would greatly appreciate any and all assistance in this matter. The greater number of responses I get, the more reliable my data will be. The questionnaire, though it looks long, should take no more than 5 minutes. No previous knowledge of archaeology is necessary to complete the questionnaire; all levels of knowledge, views, and perspectives are greatly appreciated. Any responses to this questionnaire will be used in a statistical analysis of the results though individual replies will remain anonymous.

Additionally, please contact me at if you would like to hear more about my research or would like a copy of my findings; I would be happy to share the results with any interested parties when my research has been completed. Thank you for your time and consideration. Karin Hahn, 4th year Archaeology student.

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