
Press Release from FCS (windblown trees)

January 2014

Bennachie windblow update

The strong winds that we experienced throughout December caused quite a lot of damage in the forests of Bennachie, and a number of the trails have been affected by wind blown trees.

Work has started (20th Jan) at Donview but the wind blown trees are wide spread across the forest.  The harvesting machines that will be clearing this substantial amount of fallen timber will be in operation across a wide area, including around the Gordon way and close to the Bennachie centre over the next few weeks.

From Monday 27th January, the Bennachie centre car park will be closed for 2 weeks, but we will suspend work and open the car park on the weekend of the 1st and 2nd February.

On the 10th February, work will start to clear the significant windblow on Heather Brig and the Gordon way. This will take a further 4 weeks and the affected section of the Gordon way and Heather brig will be closed for the duration of the felling work and to allow for repairs to the trail.

All work will be completed by the mid March.

Progress of the work will be updated on the Forestry Commission website and on the trail notice boards. If you are visiting Bennachie, please follow directions of any safety signage you come across


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