
Air Crash Memorial Cairn to be Unveiled 2 September 2012

August 2012

On Sunday 2 September 2012 The Bailies of Bennachie will be unveiling a cairn, which is close to Oxen Craig, to commemorate the 3 air cash victims who died on Bennachie.

The first crash was on 3rd September 1939, which was the first day of World War II, and the fatalities were Ellard Cummings (Pilot) and Ronald Stewart (Gunner). The second crash was in February 1952 when Pilot Brian Lightfoot died.

All are welcome to attend the unveiling ceremony and anyone interested should be at the top of Oxen Craig for 14.00. Relatives of the air cash victims will be attending from Canada,Yorkshire and other parts of Scotland. The cairn is a short walk away from the top of Oxen Craig and Huntly Air Cadets will line the route from the top of Oxen Craig to the cairn. Please wear warm clothes. After the ceremony there will be light refreshments at the Bennachie Centre from about 4.00pm onwards.

From Tuesday 28 August at the Bennachie Centre, near Chapel of Garioch, for about 1 week there is a free small exhibition about the air crashes and the planes involved which Montrose Air Museum have kindly help set up with the Bailies.

For more news please see our current News, News 2012 and Events sections.